If you wake up at 1 in the afternoon on a sunday in a bed that isn't yours, next to a complete stranger who looks like this ->, with an onion in your left shoe, something sticky in your hair, clothes on that aren't yours and a few bruises, you know last night's party was pretty intense.
This is what happened to me. (except for the onion bit, i just thought it would be funny if i added it in)
So when i woke up, i hustled around amongst the bodies strewn all over the house that i was at last night, and grabbed my clothes (my real ones), then i left the sleeping beauties to find a way home.
Now I don't know about you guys, but i for one hate taking public transport home on a sunday morning after a party. All these happy, cheeful families coming home from the markets, they all walk past me, with my dopey hangover look and my hood on, and they shield their childrens eyes like i'm sort of ogre or a sex offender. Honestly, get used to it. Your children will be like that some day. You should be thanking me for showing you a glimpse into the future of your precious little kiddies lives, pricks.
So anyway. I'm on the train coming home, and i'm thinking of what went down last night. The party had to be good if i don't remember much of it. i can vaguely recall myself flirting with some random whilst my mate munted all over her dress, and that's about it. But honestly, parties are basically meet-n-fucks nowadays. You meet someone new at the event, talk them up, hook up, get laid, and move on.
It's like free speed dating, but with more alcohol, and drugs (if that's what you're into).
Like seriously, where's the party element to it? Yeah, sure, there's music and food to start off with, but what next?
No wonder you never see normal people at parties anymore... Fucking hell...
Moving on.
I'm home now, and i should probably go take a Panadol for my headache, so i'll finish this up by asking if anynoe knows any cures for hangovers? Much appreciated.
whatta turn off